Types of doctors Vocabulary / डॉक्टर के प्रकार शब्दावली

Types of Doctors vocabulary words with hindi meaning

Important List of Doctor types

Types of Doctors vocabulary Words list in English with Hindi meaning

On this page, we are going to learn useful doctor types or surgeon names,types of physicial,list of specialist doctors in English with Hindi meaning and important images which boost your knowledge in science field.

Hopefully, you will enjoy and learn something new on this page as well on this website. So, Let’s start.

Different types og Surgeon
What do you mean by “Doctor” ?

The word meaning of word “Doctor” is a person who have specialization or art and having professional degree to heal sick (human body).

The word DOCTOR came or derived from “Docere” verb in Latin which means teach or scholar. Doctors are skilled person with specialized medical degree to treat people.

History of medicine practices:

Modern medicine practices are very advanced now days but in ancient days also there were several ways of practicing medicine. According to information world’s first doctor is from Egyptian civilization which dates early from 3000 BC

Hippocrates is one of great early physician of his time and also known as founder of medicine. He did start his practice on study and human body observation.

There are several other medicine traditions like Babylon, China, Egypt, India (Ayurveda), Unani and many others.

The early or prehistoric is very different from modern practices it was widely based on medicinal plants or healing properties of substance to heal illness of human body.

Even today we have many medicine practice other than modern practice which are spread world wide and people use them to treat and reestablish their health.

Some practices like Ayurveda and Yoga, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Chinese or Oriental medicine and Naturopathy are still in practice and still doing wonders for their patients.

Modern Medicine Practice:

It is a system in which a professional skilled Doctor and other medical professionals like (nurses, lab technicians, pharmacist) together work to diagnosis and treat various medical condition by using modern drugs, radiation or surgery.

It is also known as Western Medicine or Allopathic Medicine or Orthodox Medicine.

Modern medicinal practice is based on research and basic concepts or knowledge of organ system of human body to diagnose and treat various disease or symptoms with pharmaceutical drugs (in appropriate doses), radiation and surgeries. It also includes certain life style modification.

Types of Physician or Doctor Types:

In today’s era in modern medical practice there are different Specialist or Physicians to treat various medical condition. There are many doctors or surgeons or specialist for treating many different medical situations. Some of them are most common and we should know about them. Here we are giving information about 16 most common type of doctors which are needed in our day today life.

1. ENT specialist:

ENT specialist are those who treat EAR, NOSE and THROAT infection. ENT Doctor treat hearing, sinuses, speech, swallowing, allergies, tonsils, adenoids, otitis media and many other ear, nose and throat related disorders as well as also medical condition in area around Head and Neck. They are also called as Otolaryngologist. If anyone suffers problem which are mention here, he/she should consult Ent specialist.

  • Ear loss, ringing sound in ear, pus from ear, ear drum related condition, ear wax or trouble related with balance.
  • Sleep apnea, snoring, block breathing while sleeping, sleep troubles.
  • Tonsillitis, quinsy, swallowing trouble and voice issue.
  • Sinus, infection or tumor of head and neck, rhinorrhea (runny nose) and allergies.

2. Gynecologist/Obstetricians:

Gynaecology is study which diagnosis and treat symptoms or troubles related female reproductive organs. It deals with women’s disease, sexual health and problem related with pregnancy. It includes combine area of Obstetrics (study related pregnancy, child birth, postpartum) and gynaecology (OB-GYN).

  • Disease related menstrual cycle or disorder of sex organs.
  • Infertility, birth control or family planning.
  • Sexually transmitted disease or MTP.
  • Menopause or same sex or transgender related problem.
  • Pregnancy or pelvic examination, child birth and abortion.
  • Fibroids or reproductive organ cancer.

3. Pediatrician:

Pediatrics is study that involves medical care or disease related infants, children and young adults. It is branch of medicine which prevent and manage disease related to children. The significant disease which needs to consult pediatrician are.

  • Infectious disease in children.
  • Seasonal or allergic disease.
  • Food poisoning, diarrhoea, vomiting or stomach related troubles
  • Congenital diseases or Mental disorders.

4. Dermatologist:

Dermatologist are physicians who treat and diagnosis various disease related to Skin, Hair and Nails. It also includes some cosmetic problems and skin cancer or skin burns. Now a days people are very particular towards their look and skin. Dermatologist are those who treat skin. Various skin condition for which we should consult dermatologist.

  • Skin disorders like Vitiligo, Eczema, Dermatitis
  • Acne, Sunburn or Ring worm
  • Melasma, Warts or any skin over growth
  • Any type of skin allergies or Blister grafting/li>
  • Skin cancer treatment or Cryosurgery.
  • Cosmetic purpose like injection for filling.
  • Laser therapy for purpose like tattoo removal

5. Gastroenterologist:

Mostly human suffers from many digestive issues that may be indigestion, diarrhoea, bloating or any related problem. Gastroenterologist is specialist or physician who treat any disease or condition related to Gastro intestine track (GIT).

  • Irritable bowel syndrome or Gallbladder stone, Pancreatitis, Liver Cirrhosis.
  • Belching, Bloating, Acid reflux, Flatulence, Diarrhoea, constipation, Malabsorption, Malnutrition, Dyspepsia.

6. Ophthalmologist:

Ophthalmologist is a physician or doctor of Eyes or Eyes related disorder. Any old age eye related disease or contact lenses or any disease indirectly related to eye. Following disorder related to eye.

  • Myopia (Near sightedness), Hypermetropia ca(Far sightedness)
  • Cataract, Retinal Disease, Glaucoma
  • Eyelid or Orbital disorders
  • Ptosis, Dry eye syndrome, Eye tumours
  • Diabetic retinopathy, Ocular trauma.

7. Cardiologist:

Cardiologist are doctors who of Heart and any Blood vessel related medical condition. Any condition regarding blood pressure or irregular heartbeat. Some condition they treat are

  • High Blood pressure, High Cholesterol, Blood clots
  • Heart attack, Heart failure, Sudden cardiac arrest
  • Angina, Heart rhythm disorders
  • Artery disease, Stroke, Coronary artery disease
  • Heart Valve problems, Atrial fibrillation and many other

8. Pulmonologist:

Pulmonologist is a specialize doctor who diagnosis and treat Respiratory conditions. Any problem or condition related to lungs or airways can be treat by pulmonologist. Respiratory system also includes Nose, throat, trachea and lungs. Following are significant diseases.

  • Coughing, Breathlessness, decrease SpO2, Pain in Chest, Blood or pus from throat or any related problems.
  • Asthma, COPD, Bronchitis or any breathing difficulty.
  • Viral flues like Swine flu and COVID 19
  • Lung Cancer, Cystic Fibrosis, Bronchitis
  • Tuberculosis, Emphysema and related problems

9. Neurologist:

Neurologist are those doctors who treat condition related to Brain, Spinal Cord, Peripheral Nervous system and Muscles. In our routine life there are many problems related to brain which are common around us which can be treated to consult these doctors.

  • Headache like Migraine, Meningitis
  • Stroke, Haemorrhage, Encephalopathy
  • Neuropathy, Dementia, Attention deficit
  • Old age problems like Parkinson’s disease.

10.Nephrologist and Urologist

Nephrologist and Urologist both doctors are related in treating Kidney or Urinary System related problems. But the difference between both doctors is:
Nephrologist – Treat disorders related to ability of Kidney to Function like Diabetic related kidney disease, Nephrotic Syndrome, High BP, Kidney/Renal Failure and many such condition
Urologist – They treat and diagnosis disease related kidney and urinary system in both sexes commonly like Benign prostatic hyperplasia, Bladder cancer, Kidney Stones, Testicular sarcoma, Urinary


Oncologist are physician who treat different Cancer with Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, Hormonal therapy and other targeted therapy. Any Cancerous Tumour or Malignant Tumour should be consult to Oncologist.

12. Radiologist

Radiologist are doctors who specialize in diagnosis disease and injury through medical imaging such as X-ray, MRI, CT scan, Angiography, Ultrasound Sonography.

13.Plastic surgeons

Plastic surgeons restore, repair or regenerate/reconstruct damage or missing skin part by surgery. They use very common procedure like transfer of tissue known as Skin Grafting. They do many cosmetic surgeries which are very common now a days. Mammoplasty, Cry lipolysis, Lip augmentation and many such surgeries.


Orthopaedics are specialised in diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to Bones, Joints, Ligaments. Any type of Fracture and Sprain can be treated by these doctors. Any condition like Knee Replacement, Muscle or Bone fracture, Intervertebral disc surgery, Carpal tunnel release and arthroscopy.

15. Dentist:

Dentist are doctors who take care of our dental health and make our smile gums free. Any condition related to Teeth, Oral health, Gums or Pain in Gums, Caries or Gingivitis (Easily bleeding gums). It includes Dental restoration, Braces, Root Canal, gingival grafts, oral Surgery and many such oral condition.

16. Psychiatrists:

Psychiatrists is a doctor who diagnosis, prevent and treat Mental Health (Disorders related to our Mental Status). In today’s era or current generation is suffering from many Mental issues. Suicide is very common now days. Mental health is as important as Physical. We all should aware of Mental issues and try to make our society Mentally Healthy and consult Psychiatrist if needed.


Doctors play an important role in make our society healthy. They keep human, disease free and healthy. Human body is very complicated and vast subject and different Doctors are specialize in different area. Here we compile 16 most common type of doctors which are needed. There are many others such as Anaesthesiologist (delivering anaesthesia and monitor patient during, before and after surgery), Endocrinologist (treat endocrine system related disease), Surgeons (condition which require surgery), Allergists, Diabetologist and many more.

Types of Doctors vocabulary Words in English and Hindi with Images

1)  Doctor


Types of Doctors

2)  Cardiologist

हृदय रोग विशेषज्ञ

Types of Doctors

3)  Dermatologist

चर्म रोगों का विशेषज्ञ/त्वचा विशेषज्ञ

Types of Doctors

4)  Gynecologist

स्त्री रोगों का विशेषज्ञ

Types of Doctors

5)  Internist

शरीर के आन्तरिक अंगों की बीमारियों का विशेषज्ञ

Types of Doctors

6)  Obstetrician

जच्चा विशेषज्ञ/ प्रसूतितज्ञ

Types of Doctors

7)  Ophthalmologist

आखों के रोगों का डाक्टर

Types of Doctors

8)  Orthodontist/ Dentist

दाँतों का विशेषज्ञ

Types of Doctors

Types of Doctors vocabulary words

9)  Pathologist

प्राक्रतिक रोगों के कारणों का जानने वाला डाक्टर

Types of Doctors

10)  Pediatrician

बच्चों का चिकित्सक

Types of Doctors

Types of Doctors or Physician :

11)  Podiatrist

पावं की छोटी-मोटी बीमारियों का डाक्टर

Types of Doctors

12)  Psychiatrist

मानसिक रोगों का विशेषज्ञ – मनोचिकित्सक

Types of Doctors

13)  Orthopedic

हड्डी का डॉक्टर

Types of Doctors

14)  Nephrologist

किडनी रोग विशेषज्ञ

Types of Doctors

15)  Oncologist

कैंसर विशेषज्ञ

Types of Doctors

16)  Surgeon

सर्जरी विशेषज्ञ/शल्य चिकित्सक

Types of Doctors

17)  Veterinarian

पशु चिकित्सक

Types of Doctors

18)  Otolaryngologists(ENT)

कर्ण व स्वरतंत्र विशेषज्ञ

Types of Doctors

19)  Pulmonologists

फेफड़ा रोग विशेषज्ञ

Types of Doctors

20)  Gastroenterologist

पेट/ लिवर के रोग का विशेषज्ञ

Types of Doctors

21)  Dietician

आहार विशेषज्ञ

Types of Doctors

22)  Urologist

मूत्र रोग विशेषज्ञ

Types of Doctors

Types of Doctors words a-z

23)  Neurologist


Types of Doctors

24)  Physician


Types of Doctors

25)  Physiotherapist

भौतिक चिकित्सक

Types of Doctors

26)  Hematologist

रुधिर विशेषज्ञ

Types of Doctors

27)  Allergist


Types of Doctors

28)  Radiologist

विकिरण चिकित्सक

Types of Doctors

Types of Doctors vocabulary words

Learn list of Types of Doctors Vocabulary words With Video Tutorials

If you want to learn about Types of Doctors Word Vocabulary in English-Hindi through a Video tutorial then please watch the given video. And you can also visit our youtube channel Shiv English Education for more vocabulary videos.

Learn list of Coronavirus Vocabulary words With Video Tutorials

If you want to learn about other Vocabulary in English-Hindi through a Video tutorial then please watch the given video. And you can also visit our youtube channel Shiv English Education for more vocabulary videos.

You can also learn Coronavirus Vocabulary or COVID 19 Vocabulary word list through Video by clicking below Link:
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