Parts of Body Name/ मानव शरीर के अंग

This article provide here Human Body Parts in English with Hindi meaning and pictures. Hopefully, it would be helpful to improve your knowledge about body parts list. We have covered here most list of the body parts in English with Hindi meaning. Please click on Human Body Parts list with images to watch video.
Information about Human Body
Human body is really incredible. There are 206 bones and 11 major organ systems in your body. Human hear beats more than 100,000 times each and every day. In a single Human body has arteries and veins to wrap around earth two and a half times.
In Human body, there is lots of parts. we should know about all parts names in English. Hopefully, It would help to improve human body parts vocabulary in English. You will learn all about body parts with useful images.
Human body parts for kids
The human body is an amazing structure, that god gave us. We have a brain 🧠 smarter than any computer we can ever build, arm and legs made for picking up and putting down things as well as balancing ourselves and a lot of other uses. A heart which is essential to keep us alive and healthy. Lungs that help us to breath oxygen. A nose that we use to smell and even taste as I am going to tell you later. Eyes that help us see. Ears for hearing. Hair to protect our head (and not make us look bald). A mouth to eat, taste, and sense. A face that keeps these things in place. A skeletal system to protect our vital organs and keep us solid. Teeth which help us chew. A stomach which helps to digest food and keep the good things like protein and vitamins which help the body. A liver which cleans our blood. Intestines which move our food around the body. Well, a lot of things.
We also have additional feature which protect the others such as eyebrows, a chest, a chin, and other stuff. We also have the power of walking upright! Well, we have a lot to cover here about our amazing body. Let’s dive in!
First, we will start at the very top of the human body. Hair. Yes, it may seem normal, but I still have to include that we would be completely bald if we had the proper replacement for hair. Hair protects our head and keeps it warm. It also makes us look like humans as well, and by the way, if you are bald, then don’t be offended. It’s just a joke! But in seasons like winter, autumn, and spring where it rains in the spring, becomes shivery in autumn, and snows in winter, your head does not have the protection it needs. You can get frostbite and a brain freeze. Woo! I think I’ll prefer hair.
Human body parts name
Going a little down we meet the forehead. This is there the front part of your brain would be pointing. Here is a little fact for you. We get a headache, it is not our brain that is getting the pain – that could be fatal – but our forehead that hurts. The brain just sends the pain processing neurons down to the forehead.
We finally leap of the cliff and onto the eyebrows. These things, are not for show. They just serve us a protection to one of the most important tissues – the eyes. You wouldn’t expect you to be able to see through your nose if your eyes get blinded form the sunlight, would you? Then just things how important these two balls are! Eyebrows help protect the eyes from sunshine and cold. We could have icicles hanging down form the eyelids if we didn’t have these!
Parts of Human Body
Eyelids are essential for the eyes 👀 as well. They clean the eyes up when blinking. The eyes’ mucus can become filled with tiny dirt particles and even flying bits of plastic that can infect the eyes until they are blind! Did you know that you blink around 20,000 (twenty thousand) times a day? Well, now you know.
Eyelashes on the eyelids serve as a shield for larger objects such as a pile of dirt that a friend has thrown your way. Though not all the dirt can be shielded, it helps the eyes filter out things that are not supposed to be in your eyes as well. Camels 🐪 have evolved huge eyelashes which help them in dust storms. Without this exaggerated feature, they could die in a sand storm just like many explorers who destined to roam the deserts in search of adventure.
We slide along the imaginary line crossing the top of the eyelids and reach a cave. This cave is not made out of rock, but cartilage! Can you guess where we have come? Correct! Our ears! These two ovular objects that are made for picking up vibration in the air which are eventually turned into a sound for the brain to create into a meaning are amazing things. Let me tell you the journey of a little vibration that is picked up by these structures. The vibration starts in the air where it is made by adding energy movement together. It travels at the speed of sound – 700 mph – to the ears or just object of different things.
Since earth is the only planet in which sound can move freely – and it is also the only planet 🌎 with air, it is the only one which can create hearable – if that’s a word – sounds. Let’s continue our journey. Alright, where were we? Oh! Yes! The vibration travels along the air particles until It reaches the ear. It flows through the ear canal where it bumps into the ear drum. The reason why our ears are so wide and flat is because our ears aren’t able to process enough sound to throw at the brain. So, the ears try their best to capture all the sound they can.
Moving on, the ear drum 🥁 vibrates and send a signal to the other ear organs to the brain which processes it into sound! That’s quite a journey, and guess what! Hearing is our fastest sense out of the main five senses! 0.5 seconds is the time for this to go to the brain!
Human Body Vocabulary Word List in English with Hindi meaning
After that lecture we leap down onto the lips. These are helpful as they protect the mouth from harmful things that can enter it without permission. There’s not a lot to say about lips here, but I guess we will need to go down to the mouth then. The mouth has three main things. The tongue, the teeth, and the mouth pallet. The mouth pallet rests on the top of the cave like thing. It is where your tongue should touch if you pull it up as high as you can. Since we mentioned tongue here, let’s move on.
Human body parts list
The tongue has taste buds, which help us identify different tastes, such as spicy, sweet, sour, and tangy. It also has the ability to move the food around mouth to different places so it can break down quicker. Our nose has a key role in taste. It not only helps differentiate different tastes and even help sense new ones! Without the nose everything will taste normal and not that different, but without the tongue, we won’t taste anything since we can’t link our nose to anything else! Saliva has a big job in breaking food down. Since it is liquid, it can move freely around the food and break it down quicker. The reason why you drool when you see something tasty is that since you want to eat it, your saliva starts activating and starts to get prepared for eating it. That’s why you drool, and dogs drool. Well, kind off.
Anyways, your saliva works as a medicine as well. It is the best your body and any doctor or scientist can make. Better even. This is because it has antibiotics which can heal wounds or at least stop the bleeding. Yes, if you lick a bleeding or wounded area you are sure to get better in a few days – and that’s why animals instantly start licking instantly when they get hurt somewhere.
Up to the teeth now. Why do we have teeth for chewing – and not bones? Yes, it is true. Teeth covering is not actually bone, but enamel. This is the strongest and most durable part of you body. Bones can break with a blow of a sharp blade, but enamel won’t. It is especially made to suit the mouth’s flexibility, as well as chewing. The incisors are used for cutting things up, the molars are for grinding and chewing into mush, and the canines for biting off extra hard bits. The others are just for other uses, some have the same. The annoying wisdom teeth usually grow in when you are 20-25 years old.
Human body parts pictures with names
Now down to one of the most important ones, the neck. The neck holds up the head and allows maneuverability to the head. Without this feature, we would all just have to turn around to see, hear, and even sense the world around us. And we surely won’t be able to up without bending our whole body!
Our chest holds our ribcage, which holds our heart and our lungs – basically the whole respiratory system. Underneath it is the stomach, which holds all the intestines. But we will come back to it, because we forgot one obvious thing along the way – our hands! But first, we need to learn something about the arms and the elbow. First, bend your arm. Do you see the one that connects with you shoulders down to the elbow? That parts includes one whole bone which is called the Humerus. Why humerus? Well, the common myth that when we bump our elbow against something hard we laugh. Well, not true. It actually really hurts, but because of the myth – they came up with humerus. From the elbow to the wrist bottom, there are two bones, the upper one ulna, and the one underneath, radius. Of course, these two parts of the arms are pack with muscle and tissue, but I thought that would be a little too obvious.
Human body parts pictures with names
The hands are in my opinion the most important part of the human body if you don’t count the brain, heart, lungs, intestines, liver, and other organs in the human body. We use it to pick up, put down, balance ourselves, keep us moving, hold, drop, let go, catch, and a lot of other things that we need such as writing and typing things. Our palm is the center of our hands. We can pull our hand into different shaped, and also help to communicate in sign language if needed. Cool right?
The spine is the thing that runs long the back of our, well, backs. Did you know that pain receptors actually travel to the spine in circumstances such as holding a hot object? If the signal travels to the brain, the body will already be burnt, so they got to the spine to get it quickly done that you don’t hold the hot object. That’s why you may feel a jolt on you back like a voltage just passed through your spine. The spinal course consists of small, square shaped bones.
English vocabulary for the human body
Down to the stomach then. The stomach helps to digest food which travels down the esophagus and boils it in a liquid that makes it into a liquid. The liquid then goes down and around the small intestine, which can be 4 times you body length! The hard parts are too hard for the small intestine to handle, so they go through the large intestine. Thicker liquid helps in moving the food around by the way – not gravity. The proteins are stored for later to help the body and make it healthier. What ends up in the toilet the next day – well, you know the answer.
The hips are things that are used for moving the legs around. The thigh is the top half – or if a half is what you can call it – of you full leg. It is said to be the strongest part of you body. The thigh bone, though not the strongest element, but is named the strongest bone in the body. No wonder it has to be strong! Depending on your weight, it definitely has to carry a whole load! The bottom part of your leg is put in to make you legs longer so they can carry your weight evenly. Your feet are also essential, as their flat shape, though not strong, can balance out the weight of your body. Your toes are actually not that useful as they are believed to come down from our ape-like ancestors which climbed trees. The toes helped them hook around the trees, so that they could climb better. Legs are used for running, walking, climbing – basically moving. So that was our human body article. Thanks for reading this, and I hope I banged some scientific knowledge into your little head there. For more information, be sure to go to our YouTube channel, “Shiv English Education”. Thanks for reading 📖 everyone! By for now!
Human Body Parts in English with Hindi meaning
1) Body

2) Face

3) Hair

4) Eyes

5) Eyebrow

6) Eyelashes

7) Forehead

8) Ear

list of human body parts continue…
9) Cheek

10) Mouth

11) Lip

12) Teeth

13) Nose

14) Tongue

15) Chin

16) Chest

17) Stomach

18) Arm

19) Hand

20) Shoulder

21) Thumb

22) Finger

23) Palm

24) Elbow

25) Neck

26) Leg

27) Knee

28) Ankle

29) Foot

30) Toe
पैर की अंगुली

31) Heel

32) Head

33) Back

34) Waist

35) Foot Sole
पैर का तलवा

Learn list of human Body Parts With Video Tutorials
If you want to learn about human organs list in English-Hindi through a Video tutorial then please watch the given video. And you can also visit our youtube channel Shiv English Education for more vocabulary videos.
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